Privacy Policy

We believe privacy is important, that's why we built this service after all.

We are commited to requesting as little data as is needed in order to provide you the service.

We will never sell your information, anonymised or not.

What We Collect

We collect the information you give us on our sign up forms, which is strictly necessary for us to provide the service.

We do not log any emails emails, but we log information regarding our applications and this can include ip addresses.

We keep emails in our servers until they are delivered at which point we discard of them.

In regards to your usage we keep track of the number of emails sent, received, and replied. This is merely a number and we do not keep any information, regarding the emails.

Cookies We Use

We use cookies to keep track of session.

We may set a 'navigate-from' cookie which tells us from where you came from if you clicked on a link we posted. This will look like

Cookies Set By Third Parties

We use Cloudflare to protect our website, as such cloudflare may set cookies. Click here to understand what cookies Cloudflare sets.

Third Parties

We use Mailgun (Europe) in order to guarantee reliable delivery of emails.

We use Cloudflare in order to protect our website.

We use Google Cloud Storage in order to deliver our website static assets.

Updates To This Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to update this privacy policy. When we do will will notify you by email.

Your Data

You have the right to request the data we hold on you, or it's deletion. Should you decide to do so please contact us on [email protected].

Update on 19 September 2019